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Wearable Device Could Make Dealing With Asthma Easier

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Wearable Device Could Make Dealing With Asthma Easier

Wearable Device Could Make Dealing With Asthma Easier

Respia was developed to make life easier for those with the respiratory condition and help take their mind off of always worrying about their condition

Respia is a wearable device designed to assist those with asthma to better manage their condition by tracking their medicine and symptoms.

Asthma sufferers have various triggers, from exercise to dust to air pollution. Although avoiding these triggers is one way to prevent asthma attacks, medication can also enable suffers to partake in day-to-day activities. When an asthma attack occurs, a quick-relief inhaler is required to clear their airways.

Providing notifications, updates and breathing pattern detection, Respia connects to smartphones via Bluetooth to give users a daily analysis of how they’re doing and alerting them if their condition is worsening. With a vibrating function, the patch uses touch to upload information to the user’s smartphone in order to notify users if they are experiencing inflammation or additional symptoms.

Connecting to a smart inhaler, the Respia app is specifically designed for the wearable patch, so users can keep track of their medication and know when they will need their inhaler nearby. The smart inhaler also has preventive and relief medication.

Respia was designed by Katherine Kawecki, an industrial design student attending the University of New South Wales in Australia. Kawecki is an asthma sufferer herself, and wanted to assist the 300 million asthma suffers in the world to better understand their ailment.


from PSFK

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